July 27, 2024

The Kurdish conundrum and disaster in the making

IMMEDIATE RELEASE 25 September 2014 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Today’s Events in Historical Perspective America’s Longest-Running Column, Founded 1932 The Kurdish conundrum and disaster in the making By Douglas Cohn and Eleanor Clift WASHINGTON – The nightmare that is Syria today took a new and horrifying twist this week when 100,000 refugees streamed across the border from […]

Twist on the global warming war

IMMEDIATE RELEASE 24 September 2014 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Today’s Events in Historical Perspective America’s Longest-Running Column, Founded 1932 Twist on the global warming war By Douglas Cohn and Eleanor Clift WASHINGTON – Fast forward 100 years or even 50 years and look back on today from that vantage point. The threat posed by ISIS will be […]

If not boots, perhaps Guccis on the ground

IMMEDIATE RELEASE 17 September 2014 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Today’s Events in Historical Perspective America’s Longest-Running Column, Founded 1932 By Douglas Cohn and Eleanor Clift WASHINGTON – President Obama’s vow not to put boots back on the ground in Iraq, or send them to Syria, has prompted some analysts to wonder what kind of footwear is worn […]

The Good Samaritan American

IMMEDIATE RELEASE 16 September 2014 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Today’s Events in Historical Perspective America’s Longest-Running Column, Founded 1932 By Douglas Cohn and Eleanor Clift WASHINGTON – Amidst all the dire headlines of violence and unrest in the world, Americans should not lose sight of the fact that the U.S. is uniquely equipped to handle a variety […]

Scotland and secession

IMMEDIATE RELEASE 11 September 2014 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Today’s Events in Historical Perspective America’s Longest-Running Column, Founded 1932 By Douglas Cohn and Eleanor Clift WASHINGTON – Much is on the line when voters in Scotland cast their ballots next Thursday on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom. For months, polls showed the “Yes” movement lagging far behind, but it […]

Boots on the ground can win the war and lose the peace

IMMEDIATE RELEASE 10 September 2014 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Today’s Events in Historical Perspective America’s Longest-Running Column, Founded 1932 By Douglas Cohn and Eleanor Clift WASHINGTON – President Obama promises he will not put boots on the ground in Iraq or Syria or any of the other hot spots that are demanding U.S. attention and resources, creating […]

Time for Desert Storm II

IMMEDIATE RELEASE  4 September 2014 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Today’s Events in Historical Perspective America’s Longest-Running Column, Founded 1932 By Douglas Cohn and Eleanor Clift WASHINGTON – The outgoing Secretary General of NATO, Anders Rasmussen, could not have said it better as leaders gathered in Wales for perhaps the most defining meeting of the NATO alliance since […]

What Putin wants and will likely get

IMMEDIATE RELEASE  3 September 2014 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Today’s Events in Historical Perspective America’s Longest-Running Column, Founded 1932 By Douglas Cohn and Eleanor Clift WASHINGTON – Western leaders are gathering in Wales to consolidate NATO options as Russian forces secure their positions in Eastern Ukraine. It’s a showdown of sorts, and Russian President Putin has the […]